It looks very bland and boring, how do I spice it up?
I’m doing a low poly style.
I’d recommend adding different color variety to the land and trees, very subtle changes to the green. Also, look into adding little bushes or small details that are usually within a plain biome. Overall, it’s pretty good for being a low poly style environment!
Maybe darker colour of grass, add details of grass, add small vegetation?
@Executive_II @Rekotora3349 I have added both of your idea and it turned out like this, it definitely improved, still, are there any improvement?
Make lighting less bright. I can see the roof boiling in the sun.
You can either do this, add and edit bloom in lighting, or change the color of the roof.
Just some other suggestions for OP.
I think if you’re trying to go for a Low-Poly Style and to get something more I have the link for you, it’s from a very well-known Low-Poly Style Game:
It might give you some good ideas!
add grass, flowers, bushes, and some rocks
It kind of depends on what you want you want the game to be.
If it’s a fighting game, lots of space would generally be required. Same goes for games where travelling/adventure is a main theme.
If it’s more of a simulator type game or something less focused on adventure and whatnot, It’d be better if you make it much more cramped.
Regarding specific improvements, I suggest adding more man-made structures (i.e., houses, fences, wagons, random objects, etc.), although, it’s a bit hard to say if we don’t really know the main concept of the game.
Sick build by the way!