I created the Brooklyn Bridge

It is roamable but it’s not released yet to the public :slight_smile:

The bridge itself didn’t take too long. I reused some assets I had used for a previous version of the bridge I created in 2016 and just re-created it.

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Oh you mean the deck? Thanks :stuck_out_tongue:

Incredibly beautiful and unique! The design of the bridge is so smooth and well built with care! Another thing that surprises me is that with the lighting future, it makes the feeling feel so relaxing and calming. Plus the first bridge photo, adding a city to the background enchants the view as well!

Good job building this good piece of creation!

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Woah, this is amazing! How long has this taken you to make?


Amazing build my dude. I love the size of the bridge, it looks like you made it the real life size and looks absolutely massive and I love it! I also love the little details you made on the bridge. :clap: :clap:


Probably a few hours, nothing serious.

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I don’t have anything to say, this is amazing. Good job.

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Looks great. Perhaps add cars?

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The detail to Lighting and the Atmosphere is absolutely amazing! Pictures slightly closer to the bridge would be appreciated. But I honestly think that this is pretty amazing!

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Looks good, but I would definitely improve the lighting quite a bit!

This is truly amazing. Good job.

I’m pretty sure he meant to do it like that.

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Fantastic build this is incredible :grinning: :clap:

1 year ago but who cares, Amazing.