I discovered multiple web bugs when my OBC membership expired

Today when I logged in I noticed something a really weird…


The reason that this is weird is that I have a monthly renewing OBC membership…or so I thought. Comes to find out that for whatever reason my OBC membership just decided to disappear off the side of the earth.

No OBC to be found

I assumed that there was a mishap with my new credit card and my old one, so I decide to attempt to update my credit card info. (This is where I start discovering bugs)

Bug 1

Turns out the update credit card button is broken and just sends you in a page refresh loop.

(After seeing this, and knowing that the new font has seemingly messed up multiple things I decided to see how many more things I could find wrong with the ROBLOX website.)

Bug 2
When booting up a game I didn’t receive any advertisements that NBC members usually receive while the game loads.

For the record, AdBlock was shut off during this GIF.

Bug 3
While attempting to sell an item, I found out that the cancel button to get out of selling a limited item is also broken.

Bug 4
The ‘Fourms’ and ‘ROBUX’ buttons on the top of the webpage seem to fight over the final space before the search bar appears. (Look at the bottom right of the GIF)
Solved by Fre_d

Specs if needed by ROBLOX staff
OS - Windows 10
Browser - Chrome Version 48.0.2564.116 m
Screen Resolution - 1920x1080

I hope that I’m not the only one able to reproduce some of these bugs and that they can be fixed as fast as possible.

The ROBUX–>Forums replacement is a thing that Roblox+ does. Do you have that installed? If so, you might want to test again with that off.

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Shut off ROBLOX+ and that solved the problem you listed. Thank you.

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If you install the Stylish Chrome extension it’s easy to download a style for Roblox to get back your OBC theme.

Roblox+ can also simulate the OBC theme.