I do not have permissins for sound asset, even though its mine?

[ACTION ITEM] Universe doesn’t have permissions for Sound asset: 6950921621. Click here to grant Universe permission to asset.

Here is it, it is mine, why does this send the output multiple output errors, (around 3 each)

Oh, and I cannot grant permission,

Failed to grant Universe permission to use asset 6950921621: Status(StatusCode=“Unknown”, Detail=“Exception was thrown by handler.”)


All songs on roblox are being made private. So all your songs or songs are muted. Only songs made by Roblox that are not copyrighted can be used

here’s the news from kreekcraft : The WORST Day In Roblox History - YouTube

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couldn’t you just set it back to public for other people to use?

no, that’s a roblox rule. That’s why now I’m on roblox when making animation is difficult because there is no audio

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It appears that you need to publish your place now, in order to then grant it permissions… in my opinion that’s stupid. I save stuff locally 95% of the time, and don’t like to publish stuff only when I want to show off or test something.

I hate this change 100%, yes free uploads is nice but everything else is complicated and good audio is gone.

It does look like in the future we will be able to make it public but for now we can’t.

To me it’s like roblox just keeps doing stuff to ruin, or make things complicated. Sure I get they need to make sure copyright is respected… but really was this change really necessary. I hope it’s better once they allow us to grant all permissions etc.


Yeah I have this same problem, I believe it is a marketplace issue that’s being worked on from what I’ve heard but I’m not sure, quite annoying though not being able to use my own audio.

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Exactly my roblox game has broke now because of this.

I can see stocks going down I really hope it doesn’t happen.


This is still a reoccurring issue in 2023.

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Bump yet again… Do not understand what needs to be done in order to make the sound work in my public game.

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