I don’t understand why my script is not working

So I’m writing a script so when you click a part a GUI pops up. I am a beginner scripter ( like very beginner ) and I need help understand why it’s not working.

 local Screen = game.Workspace.Screen
local Click = Instance.new(“ClickDetector,Screen”)
Click.MouseClick:connect(function() then

Here are the video of my code ( Sorry for the watermark i had to mute the video )

If you Can explain why it’s giving me an error and help me with this please let me know I really need help! :pray:

Please paste your code into the post using the code blocks.

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Will do one second! I will do that right now.

FireClient requires a Player argument to use.

You can get this by passing a Player argument in the MouseClick function, like so:


Try this:

local Screen = game.Workspace.Screen
local Click = Instance.new("ClickDetector", Screen)

Alright I’ll try it! I will mark it as a solution if this works! :smiley:

Alright I’ll try that! If it works I’ll mark as solution! :smiley: