I don't know how to describe this

Hey everyone.

I’ve been having trouble with a ship’s bow that I’m building, and I wanted to know if you guys have any ideas on how to help me.

You see, I’m using GapFill to fill in the spaces between the two frames of the bow (the ones in red and green) and everything is just fine on the left side of the ship. However, on the right side, there are two triangles that seem to be darker in color than the rest of the hull (it seems as if they didn’t have light going on them) and I don’t know how to fix that…

I tried unioning the whole thing then using CSGv2’s SmoothingAngle but it didn’t help either… Is there any way I can fix that or do I have to just live with it?

Left side (the one with no problems)

Right side (you can clearly see the two triangles I’m talking about, right at the front of the bow)

View from above (so you may see the two different frames I’m using, connecting them with GapFill

Fixed it, just needed to redo the whole filling process. No idea why it didn’t work before, but it’s working now