I dont know how to make this

I’m trying to create a notification Gui similar to this, where the Gui hides itself behind the screen:
(reference from aegis beta)

i have the structure down for what im making, i just don’t know how to hide the Gui behind the screen like this.
i already tried googling it, but i dont know what keywords to use

im not asking for someone to script for me, just looking for a reference.


I believe it’s a frame on the top of the screen with very small scaling and transparency and once a function is called, they tweened the size of the GUI and probably the position, finally have it visible.

And then, it loops.

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Hm… I think they might actually have a set size but they just change the Z Index of the bottom-most element to be smaller than the one above it. Then they just simply tween it upwards to slide it under the element above it. But I may be wrong.

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i already tried something similar, but the gui would deform and become stretched using that method.

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i dont think thats right, because theres nothing above the top gui, yet it still has the effect

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Could be, but then they would have to make sure it doesn’t tween too far off-screen so that they can tween it back down later.

Have you enabled IgnoreGuilnSet?

there is a uilistlayout i think. it is changing y size

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Ah, yes. From what @batin1597 has just said, you can make a UiListLayout and have that y size change for every frame. Reduce the size and delete the other frame and then resize it to the original when you have to implement a new frame.

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The GUI is wrapped in a continuous loop and you would probably make it hide using UDim2.

i realize i kinda didnt emphasize this in my original post, im trying to re-create the effect of the gui expiring and going behind the screen. not the gui stacking. re-sizing the frame dosent work, because it would deform the gui and isnt visually appealig

I think it might be possible to use an ImageLabel and modify ImageRectSize and moving the Frame at the same time.

I believe you can do this by using an invisible (BackgroundTransparency = 1) parent frame and setting its ClipsDescendants property to true and then just tweening the actual visible frame out of the parent frame’s border.

it does not hiding itself, they used if uisnumbers >= 5 then tween and close it

ill try this, thanks. ()()()()()()

edit: doesn’t work

edit2: i was wrong, check solution

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It works for me, but maybe I don’t understand what you’re trying to achieve.
Here’s a file for a baseplate where I made what I think you want. When you click the gray frame, it will disappear behind the screen. Everything is in startergui.
notificationdisappear.rbxl (47.8 KB)


i guess i was just doing it wrong, thanks a lot
(sorry for the delayed response)

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