I don't know if it is harming my game?

So, I am concerned about this fails that the output makes sometimes when I try to go inside Roblox Studio. Well, I ignore this because I don’t see anything being lost or got deleted but as my game is getting almost finished I am tring to know what it means so that I can prevent any harmful or distructive behaviour before my game goes public.

The HTTPError, the Image isn’t loading, I believe it may be moderated or it’s just a roblox issue. Nothing too serious.


What’s with the Localization problems? are they from Roblox Studio Engine itself?

Yes, it is from the Roblox Studio Engine.

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None of that should effect your game. The red text is just saying a image wont load and the orange is just localization problems, and those are nothing to worry about, it is most likely a studio problem.