I’m creating a fighting game. I made this quick cache system because of the supposed performance difference between changing a CFrame and Instance.new/Clone().
I’m fine with it as is, and it has gone through testing, I just want to confirm that it won’t generate any memory leaks. I expect servers to be as much as 24 hours old in a lot of cases.
module:Destroy() is the clean-up function.
The module:
local replicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")
local SkillService = replicatedStorage:WaitForChild("SkillService")
local cacheParent = workspace:WaitForChild("Skills")
local module = {}
module.__index = module
--creates a new cache for this player
function module.new(Player)
local mt = {}
local cacheFolder = Instance.new("Folder")
cacheFolder.Name = Player.Name
cacheFolder.Parent = cacheParent
mt.Cache = cacheFolder
return setmetatable(module, mt)
function module:Generate(Ability) --create player's cache
local skillList = SkillService:FindFirstChild(Ability):WaitForChild("Models")
for _, Model in pairs(skillList:GetChildren()) do
local cachedModel = Model:Clone()
cachedModel.Parent = self.Cache
function module:Clear() --mainly for when they switch abilities
function module:Destroy() --destroy the cache
return module