I don’t know why, but there’s an error at require(script.Parent.ModuleScript)
If anyone can help me, thank you!
I don’t know why, but there’s an error at require(script.Parent.ModuleScript)
You can place the ModuleScript inside of the Script and then reference it like so:
local moduleScript = require(script.ModuleScript)
It didnt work
The module script:
local module = nil
function module.getEngine()
return script.Parent.Engine
The engine is a meshpart
Is the ModuleScript
returning a value at all? If not, that’s why. You are attempting to index getEngine
with nil
local module = nil
function module.getEngine()
return script.Parent.Engine
local module = nil
function module (nil).getEngine()
return script.Parent.Engine
It helps to pay attention to what you’re actually writing. The solution would be the below.
local module = {}
function module.getEngine()
return script.Parent.Engine
return module
Basically make module
into a table and return it. That fixes the problem.
i tried putting sound in the engine block. the main script would be like this
local module = require(script.Parent.ModuleScript)
local engine = module.getEngine()
but the sound didn’t play. do you have an idea?
Did it return an error when the sound didn’t play?
i dont know, i deleted the engine model😅
also i made this:
local pitch = math.abs(script.Parent.Parent.Parent.Base.CFrame:vectorToObjectSpace(script.Parent.Parent.Parent.Base.Velocity).Z)/20
script.Parent.PlaybackSpeed = 0.75 * math.max(pitch, 0.5)
local findseat, nonfound = pcall(function()
if findseat then
script.Parent.Playing = true
elseif nonfound then
script.Parent.Playing = false
but i want it to like change gear like this:
It changed pitch every gear changes but I don’t like A-chassis anyways