I dont receive badges

Hello, I seem to not get badges which I should’ve get.

It clearly says that i’ve got 45 days visited arleady and I did not receive the Enthusiast badge, weird.


Anyone help?

I also have over 100 days visited and didnt get the next badge after that.

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Not sure. Hopefully you dont have to get the days consecutively because if so that would make sense but would be a lot harder to achieve.

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Nope, thats not the case. I checked on the freshly awarded members.

I looked into the details of these badges and it seems you do have to get them consecutively. Ouch…



Then it shows consecutive days on the profiles…


yea it would make more sense to add “in a row” (or “consecutively”) to the details on that page, like so:

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Oooh, well thats bad :confused: