I dont understand leaderboard and leaderstats

The thing that I don’t understand about the datastore for leaderstats and leaderboard is that the name of both datastore has to be the different and how are they able to link with each other? cause when i only changed the name for leaderstats to reset the leaderboard, the leaderboard did not clear itself based on the new datastore i made for the leaderstats… Im new and confused how this work. because my leaderboard still shows the old result

local Leaderboard = DataStoreService:GetOrderedDataStore("PlayerLeaderboard")

local DataStore = DataStoreService:GetDataStore("Playerstats)

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These are considered two different DataStores. If you want to clear your leaderboards, you have to change the names of both DataStores. They aren’t linked together and you can’t link them together, they’re both treated as separate data storages.

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yea, after reviewing it again. It made sense… I thought somehow that the leaderboard will clear by itself… and follow exactly as the new leaderstats database but it just add on the existing leaderboard database. Thanks for the reply :smiley: