I’ve been working on something lately, and I’ve hit a bit of a roadblock. I can’t quite put my finger on it, but it feels like something is missing, and I’m not sure what it is.
Has anyone else experienced this before? How did you go about identifying and addressing what was lacking? I’d really appreciate any tips or advice on how to approach this kind of situation. Sometimes it’s hard to see the forest for the trees, so I’m hoping a fresh perspective might help.
This looks utterly amazing! I love how you matched the design of the trees with the built-in roblox terrain very well.
I don’t see anything particularly standing out from the images.
I cannot tell how your environment acts or moves from still images, but if your game feels flat or like something is missing, it could be because there is no movement.
Try making the leaves and branches of the trees move in the wind, or some sort of interaction with the environment and player.
This looks really nice. The low branches are kind of from jungles which still look nice to me, but I think you should maybe add taller trees so you get more of that “open space” feeling in a forest. To me I feel like the trees are not covering enough of the sky. But in the end it really depends on what your going for and this is just my opinion. If you can specify a bit more on what feels off to you I can be of more assistance.
I do feel like there is something that can be added more, or maybe some unusual things that I just can’t put my eye on. Maybe the clouds are too much, or the lighting is too yellowish. Also, are your meshes set to “Precise” so it can be higher quality?
When I feel like something is missing, I just start from the beginning until i remember what’s missing. but i don’t think that you would start this master piece from the beginning.
I don’t really know what you mean by lacking, but if you mean lacking in the forest, i would say animals.
That’s exactly how I feel. There’s definitely something missing but it’s hard to tell. I feel like I like the lighting, it represents the evening “golden hour” and brings a lot of characteristics to the environment. I don’t think the meshes have been set to precise, however I do like the current look of it