Hello, I know this is a mistake on my end, but I have forgotten my Roblox Account PIN (on my alt) which has now locked me from editing anything from my account settings.
I have contacted support using the correct Gmail and all they give me are password reset instructions. Any tips to help me in my situation?
Does your alt account have a verified email address?
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September 14, 2024, 3:47pm
You require a email to even turn on the pin
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September 14, 2024, 3:48pm
try to reply to support and say that you forgot your parent account pin and like to get it reset
Go to Roblox Support , enter your alt’s username, and enter the verified email address associated with your alt account.
Select the device on which you use Roblox.
Categorize your form under Account Hacked Or Can’t Log In > Account PIN
In description of issue, paste this.
Hello there,
I unfortunately forgot the PIN to my account and I would like to reset it.
Thank you,
[Your alt account username]
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It’s going well! What about you?
issue has been resolved for about a month now, Thank you all for your help!
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October 20, 2024, 10:32am
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