I get no error and for some reason still doesnt work

Im trying to have a specific frame pop up if the player has said badge. I get no errors and the Value i have created in the player works. But when i try to use the value in my module script it doesnt work. It shows true in the player like it should. I just cant get it to work for the visibility of the frame.

Module Script -

local Players = game:GetService("Players")
local player = Players:GetChildren()

local TowerShop = {
["Bronze Robloxian"] = {
	["Name"] = "Bronze Robloxian",
	["ImageAsset"] = "rbxassetid://" ,
	["Price"] = 1 ,
	["Description"] = "blank",
	["Event"] = player.Even

function where i check for the event so it should make the frame visible -

function updateItems()
points.Text = "Points : " .. playerData.Points
limit.Text = #playerData.SelectedTowers .. "/4"

for i, tower in pairs(towers) do
	local oldButton = gui.Frame.Center1.List:FindFirstChild(tower.Name)
	if oldButton then
	local newButton = itemsFrame:Clone()
	newButton.Name = tower.Name
	newButton.TowerName.Text = tower.Name
	newButton.Price.Text = tower.Price .. " Points"
	newButton.Image.Image = tower.ImageAsset
	newButton.Desc.Text = tower.Description
	newButton.Visible = tower.Event
	newButton.LayoutOrder = tower.Price
	newButton.Parent = gui.Frame.Center1.List
	local status = getItemStatus(tower.Name)
	if status == "For Sale" then
		newButton.Status.Text = "PURCHASE"
	elseif status == "Equipped" then
		newButton.Status.Text = "EQUIPPED"
		newButton.Price.Visible = false
		newButton.Status.Text = "EQUIP"
		newButton.Price.Visible = false



Ive moved things around and got it where theres no errors so im afraid to move anything else and completely butcher it lol