I got a round system, but how do i add minigames to it?

As you see in the title, I am working on a minigame system, I already made the round system (countdowns before rounds start, with guis etc) and heres the script, now im wondering, how do i add minigames to the script? I dont know where to start and I want it to be looped, and randomised. Heres the script:

local roundLength = 120
local intermissionLength = 20
local InRound = game.ReplicatedStorage.InRound
local Status = game.ReplicatedStorage.Status

local LobbySpawn = game.Workspace.LobbySpawn
local GameAreaSpawn = game.Workspace.GameAreaSpawn

	if InRound.Value == true then
		for _, player in pairs(game.Players:GetChildren()) do
			local char = player.Character
			char.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame = GameAreaSpawn.CFrame
		for _, player in pairs(game.Players:GetChildren()) do
			local char = player.Character
			char.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame = LobbySpawn.CFrame

local function roundTimer ()
	while wait() do
		for i = intermissionLength, 0, -1 do
			InRound.Value = false
			wait (1)
			Status.Value = "Game starts in ".. i .." Seconds!"
		for i = roundLength, 0, -1 do
			InRound.Value = true
			Status.Value = "Game ends in ".. i .." seconds!"


Script is made in ServerScriptService. Please help, my game has to be done in a few days.

1.If you have maps folder, define them .
2.After intermission has ended, make a function that will randomly choose a minigame, and then make all players be tped to there.
3.Make a round timer, when the round is over , depending on your desires, [1 winner, many winners,etc],
tp all to lobby, destroy the map, etc…

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The round system is finished as you see above, but my problem is how do I make the minigame work as intended and not like when you spawn in the lobby the minigame already works and only onc Its just kinda messy, but I need atleast 1 minigame to add to it. How do I attach it to the script above?

what do you mean “not like when you spawn in the lobby the minigame already works”? If I can understand that part maybe I can help you

No, I said the round system, you join to the lobby, wait 20 seconds (intermission) and then you get into the round, after the round you go back to the lobby. But now the minigames?