the “yes i grinded that game with drake aka rake aka whatever” was actually tagged, plus the reason as to why i called the friend “drake” is because he always changes his name on discord to something that starts with the letter d, and the rest of my friend circle also calls him names that start with the letter d. the “get david” message was before that and it was said to my other friend who was playing with me so he could tell david (another friend who was in the game) to come with us and escape so I’d say that 3/7 are correct while the 7 are just complete bs
I learned to accept it and to stop being edgy in games from now on, I now made up my mind and completely understand that Roblox just counts saying “fat” or “fattie” as harassment without caring to get the context. also, I DID get a 1 day ban for “harassment/bullying” literally few days prior to this one for saying the word “stupid” in courtroom shenanigans and even though it was not targetted towards anybody of course Roblox doesn’t care
also, I still find it amusing that nobody is going to mention the fact that the person who reported me was literally exploiting while claiming to be an admin in order to get money, which would count as admin abuse and a ban from jailbreak itself. and most people on this post are more focused on the fact that I was angry while writing this post and made myself look insanely stupid and unreasonable and I did not realize that the automod counts the words such as “gay” and “fat/fattie” as an instant ban due to the emotions (most of this probably does not make sense and is poorly written because it’s late at night where I live right now)
You know, Roblox’s filter is something else.
you can say…
I love furries
But you cannot say
I hate furries
They’re both opinions. If you can say I love furries, you should be able to say you hate them, other way around as well.