What do you want to achieve? Keep it simple and clear!
I want to fix the part where starterplayer start for firs time their quest when they reached the minimum progress bar it should show claimbutton no the rewardcomplete frame after clicking the claimbutton it should stay hidden then rewardcomplete frame show up -
What is the issue? Include screenshots / videos if possible!
So basically i keep testing a lot on my account when i join the game i did excatly like the quest
then when i reached full mininum progress bar its showing rewardcomplete frame instead of claimbutton first -
What solutions have you tried so far? Did you look for solutions on the Developer Hub?
i asked chatgpt for help nothing work
i try changing the set true or false some of them
still nothing
local questName = "Kill5TeamMemers"
local questValues = game.Players.LocalPlayer:FindFirstChild(questName)
-- Ensure the quest data is cloned and present under the player
if not questValues then
-- If the quest data isn't found, try to clone from ReplicatedStorage
local replicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")
local questDataFolder = replicatedStorage:FindFirstChild("QuestData")
local kill5TeamMemersFolder = questDataFolder and questDataFolder:FindFirstChild("Kill5TeamMemers")
local necessaryData = kill5TeamMemersFolder and kill5TeamMemersFolder:FindFirstChild("NecessaryData")
if necessaryData then
-- Clone and set the parent of the quest data
local success, err = pcall(function()
questValues = necessaryData:Clone()
questValues.Name = questName
questValues.Parent = game.Players.LocalPlayer
if not success then
warn("Failed to clone quest data: " .. err)
warn("NecessaryData object not found in ReplicatedStorage -> QuestData -> Kill5TeamMemers.")
if questValues then
local Needed = questValues:WaitForChild("Needed", 10) -- Add a timeout of 10 seconds
local Current = questValues:WaitForChild("Current", 10) -- Add a timeout of 10 seconds
local Completed = questValues:WaitForChild("Completed", 10) -- Add a timeout of 10 seconds
-- Ensure Completed is initialized to false if it doesn't exist
if not Completed then
Completed = Instance.new("BoolValue")
Completed.Name = "Completed"
Completed.Value = false -- Set it to false if the player is starting the quest
Completed.Parent = questValues
-- Initialize progress bar and number text
local function updateProgressBar()
-- Update the progress bar size based on current and needed values
script.Parent["background uncomplete"].complete.Size = UDim2.new(Current.Value / Needed.Value, 0, 1, 0)
script.Parent["background uncomplete"]["number text"].Text = Current.Value .. "/" .. Needed.Value
-- Update progress bar initially
-- Function to handle UI visibility logic
local function updateUIVisibility()
-- Case 1: Quest has been completed and claimed
if Completed.Value then
script.Parent.ClaimButton.Visible = false -- Hide ClaimButton after quest completion
script.Parent["background uncomplete"]["RewardComplete"].Visible = true -- Show RewardComplete
-- Case 2: Quest is in progress or needs to be claimed
elseif Current.Value >= Needed.Value and not Completed.Value then
script.Parent.ClaimButton.Visible = true -- Show ClaimButton if quest progress is maxed
script.Parent["background uncomplete"]["RewardComplete"].Visible = false -- Hide RewardComplete
-- Case 3: Quest is not yet started or hasn't reached the required progress
script.Parent.ClaimButton.Visible = false
script.Parent["background uncomplete"]["RewardComplete"].Visible = false
-- Initial call to update UI visibility
-- Update progress and visibility when Current changes
updateProgressBar() -- Update the progress bar when current progress changes
updateUIVisibility() -- Update UI visibility based on progress
-- Update UI visibility when Completed value changes
updateUIVisibility() -- Update UI visibility when quest is completed
updateProgressBar() -- Update progress bar
-- Handle the player's interaction with the ClaimButton
if Current.Value >= Needed.Value and not Completed.Value then
-- Player clicks ClaimButton, claim the reward
-- Set the quest as completed
Completed.Value = true
-- Hide ClaimButton and show RewardComplete after claiming
script.Parent.ClaimButton.Visible = false
script.Parent["background uncomplete"]["RewardComplete"].Visible = true
-- Ensure UI is updated properly when the player respawns or joins the game
wait(1) -- Wait for the character to load before checking quest status
updateProgressBar() -- Update progress bar
updateUIVisibility() -- Update UI visibility based on quest completion