I tried to make it work with Lightsaber but it show two error that said ToolGrip is not a valid member of MeshPart “Workspace.DeathLilian.UpperTorso” - Client - LightsaberClient:15 and ToolGrip is not a valid member of MeshPart “Workspace.DeathLilian.UpperTorso” - Server - LightsaberServer:13
This is from output
16:08:30.051 ToolGrip is not a valid member of MeshPart "Workspace.DeathLilian.UpperTorso" - Client - LightsaberClient:15
16:08:30.052 Stack Begin - Studio
16:08:30.052 Script 'Players.DeathLilian.Backpack.Test.LightsaberClient', Line 15 - Studio - LightsaberClient:15
16:08:30.052 Stack End - Studio
16:08:30.099 ToolGrip is not a valid member of MeshPart "Workspace.DeathLilian.UpperTorso" - Server - LightsaberServer:13
Something’s preventing the server from creating the Motor6D, probably. If you look at the server code, can you ensure that the remotes were fired correctly?
Something tells me that CharacterAdded event on server wasn’t fired. Try resetting your character once and try the tool again. If it doesn’t work again, it’s something else.