I have a script error that I dont know how to fix

I’m following this tutorial on youtube and my code looks exactly the same as his but mine has this “iNfiNITe yIelD pOsSibLe” script error and nothing will fix it. Please help, It does it on both scripts

well does the death remote event exist if not then that is your case it would error if it didnt exist so yeah

Well that could just be the computer thinking it’s possible for that to happen. If your script is working, then you’re probably just fine - it’s not an error, just a warning.

So first, like @FerbZides mentioned, does “Death” exist in ReplicatedStorage? Make sure that in your explorer, you see whatever it is called “Death” under ReplicatedStorage.

If you’re script(s) are working fine, then it shouldn’t be a problem if “Death” does exist exactly under ReplicatedStorage where it says, and that it’s named “Death” (without the quotations).

You Need To Create A Remote Event Called “Death” OtherWise It Won’t Work, The Warning Is Because Of Death Doesn’t Exist.

Have you tried adding a RemoteEvent named “Death” into your ReplicatedStorage yet?