I have a suggestion, my suggestion is that you allow the forum Members to post in the discussion category.
Because not only Regular know do discussions.
If you allow Members to post in the discussion category maybe there will be more posts, and more things would be able to be discussed.
Bye, have a nice day! 
This was already a feature except it was removed due to the truckload of posts the PA team got.
No, no, no, please no.
I thinking #resources:community-resources is enough proof that giving members access to previously PA locked categories is as stupid as letting a student drive a bus.
Sure there will be more things discussed, a lot more things… but I’d imagine 70%+ of them would not be relevant to the catagory / repeat posts / litterally posting what they would normally post in scripting support.
We don’t need more posts there, there are enough already. Plus, many members will just misuse it an post off topic posts there, just like what is recently happening with Forum Feedback.
My suggestion for the Discussion category is to rename it back to Development Discussion.
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Think about the post approval team, how many work are you gonna put on them?
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Hey there!
Originally, the #discussion category did accept threads from members via PA, however most of these posts didn’t met the cut and to manage workload within Post Approval, we removed members permissions to post here.
As others have expressed, #resources:community-resources is a great example of why the answer would be a no.