As an Active forum member,I have been hearing people are getting like spammed by Visitors,so my idea is that Visitors should have to read x
amount of times to access x
amount of likes everyday,as it’d make it easier to prevent like spam and boosting,as they’d have to read x
amount of time,I think 30 minutes - 1 - 2 hours is a good read time.
I heard from a roblox staff that you need to post about problems you face, not others
It’s like 10 months ago he said it
I recommend only making feature requests when you are personally inconvenienced by a problem.
Ah,good to know,thanks for letting me know
I feel you, I always get NUKED by visitors with hearts and I think it’s just so that they ‘Rank up’ even though you need to spend up to 7 Hours reading topics and posts.
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