I have this car that drifts too much like it spins what setting would I change to stop it going in circles

This is an example of what it does vcXXkfalLj.mp4

Please provide a sample of any code you used, or if this was made with constraints then an image of the model hierarchy (or both). It’s impossible for anyone to help if they don’t know what you need help with.

– Steer:
local goal = -seat.SteerFloat * maxSteerAngle
steer = steer + (goal - steer) * math.min(dt * seat.TurnSpeed, .5)
local radians = math.rad(90 - math.abs(steer))
local h = DistanceBetweenAxles()
local z = DistanceBetweenWheels()
local x = math.tan(radians) * h
local y = (x + z)
local outerTurnAngle = 90 - math.deg(math.atan2(y, h))
attFL.Orientation = Vector3.new(0, steer > 0 and steer or -outerTurnAngle, -90)
attFR.Orientation = Vector3.new(0, steer > 0 and outerTurnAngle or steer, -90)

-- Throttle:
local throttleGoal = seat.ThrottleFloat
throttle = throttle + (throttleGoal - throttle) * math.min(dt * seat.TurnSpeed, 1)
local torque = seat.Torque
local speed = seat.MaxSpeed * throttle
cylFL.MotorMaxTorque = torque
cylFR.MotorMaxTorque = torque
cylRL.MotorMaxTorque = torque
cylRR.MotorMaxTorque = torque
cylFL.AngularVelocity = speed
cylFR.AngularVelocity = -speed
cylFL.AngularVelocity = speed
cylRR.AngularVelocity = -speed

What are the variables seat, maxSteerAngle, steer, dt, attFR, attFL, cylFL, cylFR, cylRL and cylRR? It seems like all it would need is an adjustment of maxSteerAngle (assuming it’s the maximum angle you can steer at) to about 30 - 45 degrees (possibly lower, I’m not sure).

local Players = game:GetService(“Players”)

local RunService = game:GetService(“RunService”)

local PhysicsService = game:GetService(“PhysicsService”)

local defaultCollisionGroup = “Default”

local characterCollisionGroup = “Character”

local car = script.Parent

local body = car.Body

local chassis = car.Chassis

local seat = body.VehicleSeat

local primary = car.PrimaryPart

local platform = chassis.Platform

local steer = 0

local throttle = 0

local driver = nil

local maxSteerAngle = 30

local cooldown = 0

local attFL = primary.AttachmentFL

local attFR = primary.AttachmentFR

local attRL = primary.AttachmentRL

local attRR = primary.AttachmentRR

local cylFR = primary.CylindricalFR

local cylFL = primary.CylindricalFL

local cylRR = primary.CylindricalRR

local cylRL = primary.CylindricalRL

Changing it to 10 didnt do anything it still spins.

Thanks. What is the dt variable? I’ve got to go now but I’ll give it some thought and hopefully be back with a solution around this time tomorrow.

What is the Friction of your wheel Parts and BasePlate?

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Have you tried adjusting the TurnSpeed property of the VehicleSeat?

no not yet ill try now bob :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

it just turns slower but it still drifts all the way round

So again… What are the Friction Property settings of each solid Wheel and the baseplate you are driving on.
These CustomPhysicalProperties have a lot to do with a vehicle’s ability to move properly. I usually start with a medium size car having wheels with a Friction of 2. If they seem too grippy I just reduce the value to where it works best.
Also if your VehicleSeat.Torque is set too high it’s like having a 1000 horsepower engine in a go-kart. You can’t use all the torque the engine is supplying since the wheels just spin.