I hope that I can build polls inside hide details

As a Roblox developer, I always asks the opinions of other DEVs about my project and its process.
However, in order to save space and make it convenient to read, I’ve kept most of my polls on one topic.
As I am adding more and more polls that takes a lot of space, it’s making my topic very long to scroll down.
I hope that I can use “Build Poll” inside “Hide Details”, so I can still put polls but it could be much more organised.

If Roblox is able to address this issue, it would improve my experience using the forum because I would be able to make my topic more appealing and clear for the viewers.


Look, if I put a poll in hide details

Polls [poll type=regular results=always chartType=bar]
  • Option A
  • Option B
[/] [poll ]

It breaks

1 Like

because of this it breaks.

I did a little digging around and Discourse already has a way to achieve this!

There’s some example code on their support forums here.

It’s because you need the poll code to be on a line all by itself. You can mix html hide details and the discourse poll code to get the results you want:

Hidden Poll

[poll type=regular results=always chartType=bar]
* Option 1
* Option 2



Hidden Poll
  • Option 1
  • Option 2

0 voters


Thank you LuaCow!
Very useful :smiley: