I Joined Roblox a bit ago, and have been scripting since I've joined. How's my first game?

(also im brand new to the devforum, so if I make any mistakes please tell me!)

I made a game called Indoor Soccer Ultimate, and have been working on it for a couple days with all the scripting knowledge I have so far, and I would like a good review on how I did!

Here is the Lobby to the game

This is the “Indoor Soccer” part.

Here is what most of my code looks like

and here is the gui/menu/GAMEPLAY to the game!


the link to the game is right here, if anyone want’s to test it out. Keep in mind though, you do need 2 players or the game is kinda wierd :wink:


(also, controls to kick are “F”)

i guess i need to fill in the character limit? lol ignore this text

ALSO ONE MORE THING- I made my own custom admin script! I heard the khols thing had a virus so yeah

How long have you been scripting for? because this is a pretty good first game. Btw the ball got stuck here when I played it.

Ive been scripting for about 2 weeks!
also, the ball is getting stuck because they game is looking for a player on the other team, and failing because you’re in single player :sad: so it just sits their until there’s an available player to do the out of bounds kick

nice game! Looks good for a first game!
I want to tell you one thing about the devforum, and it’s that you don’t have to share a screenshot of your code, it would be way more useful if you are helping others or make a post where you need scripting help, to put the code inside of double backticks, this way we can easily copy it and help you(test, modify etc).
Otherwise people would need to look at the screenshot everytime.
Just a hint, in this context it is completely fine.
Also nice flower, it is way better than what I can ever make tbh.
I also like the little animation your character does when you score haha.
good luck with your future endeavours!

Thank you! I will look up more tutorials on how to use the devforum :man_facepalming: :smiley:

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Ive been scripting for 8 months and I have no idea how you wrote that script :skull_and_crossbones:

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Good start man! You’re doing very well! Keep going!

Ive been scripting for 8 months and I have no idea how that script works :skull_and_crossbones:

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Lol ty!
I’ve had previous experience with JavaScript, so i guess it came naturally :sweat_smile:

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Nice game! Only small thing is your coding. Try using variables. It will become important in the future. :+1:


That may be the reason why you started well :+1:

nice and a simple game :ok_hand:
hope you improve at scripting easy and fast, im a beginner too

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Thank you! Good luck on your developing journey!

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If this is what your making with 2 weeks experience then your going to make some great games!

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Haha, I sure hope I do lol :sweat_smile:
I hate this stupid char limit thing!

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It looks very nice, not bad! Even the models are decent aswell. Code looks robust.

(by the way, where did you get old roblox studio icons?! :sweat_smile: )

I’ve had these icons since I downloaded roblox studio a bit ago :sweat_smile: i didnt know there were new ones!

I got them from a forum post lol.

Wow that’s impressive. Good luck man. Keep going and you might even make a front page game one day.