Yup. You can resize unions, parts, wedgeparts, and meshparts to any size below 2048 now!
It messed me up earlier today as well because I usually set the sizes to (0,0,0) as a shortcut for (0.2,0.2,0.2)!
If it can work with scripts, you can have a new way of making parts disappear. Just shrink it into nonexistence.
I’m going to replace all calls to :Destroy() in my game with setting the size to 0,0,0.
It’ll be the greatest improvement ever made! (Besides removing a headphone jack from a phone)
Whaaat! That’s amazing, No more having to mess with mesh scaling!
What has science done?
I hope they update it so scripts have this change too.
And so we can resize to smaller than 0.2. For now you can only type in values smaller than 0.2 which is annoying if you have parts clipping eachother.
There’s a studio setting which lets you disable collision during resizing, perhaps that’d help you?
Does that also make it so when you type in a size value it doesn’t move the part so it’s not colliding?
No idea. Not at my PC. Look around the model tab. It’s up there somewhere.
Watch out for lots of plugin updates
Yeah it works like that, but we still can’t scale parts to smaller than 0.2. Also it scales from the center when you type in value which I find annoying while building.
I think they released 0.0 sizes as a test this week and will enable the second half next week when they know it’s safe. Just a theory but seems plausible.
Sorry to crush some dreams, but it was a bug. It’s been fixed now.
Can it be a feature in the near future? :(
As parts get smaller and smaller, especially beneath 0.2, collisions become less and less important. It doesn’t really matter if their collisions aren’t perfect since they’re usually CanCollide=false or part of an assembly with larger parts that ensure the model has proper physics.
Please? I really want to use materials on my mesh parts but can’t because I can’t resize them under 0.2 so I have to use SpecialMesh but that isn’t/wasn’t supported by materials or textures either.
Please make them act physically like 0.2 parts. I just want that detail and functionality.
Alright, I understand why the size isn’t allowed to have a size of zero (I’m assuming it causes divide by zero errors), but can we at least have a minimum of 0.01?
Well unfix it then
Having parts smaller than 0.2 is something a lot of people want.
Yes, I can understand the point of where math with the size going down to 0 could cause mathematical issues, which the solution mentioned above by @Maximum_ADHD[quote=“Maximum_ADHD, post:19, topic:28920”]
but can we at least have a minimum of 0.01?
would work perfectly fine. And I can also get the point where this would effect the physics as parts smaller than 0.2 become harder to apply the physics to. But if that’s an issue, why can we scale unions below 0.2? We’ve had unions below 0.2 for a while and from what I can tell no one has had any major issues with it.
No matter the argument, this is something that shouldn’t be restricted.