I keep falling through the map and terrain

So in my new game, I keep on falling through the map and I can’t select anything whatsoever, Anyone know how to fix this?

PS: I did check if can colide was on.

Cancollide is probably set to false.

Btw if you are completely new I recommend watching any roblox studio basics tutorial on yt as they help you get an understanding of the basics.

Im not a fully new, Its just the issue is that the terrain as well like the grass, mountains ext,

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Oh for terrain then it’s probably due to a collision group on terrains being set to false with the player.

Have you put any free models into the place, or installed any new plugins lately?
If so you may have got something that’s got a script in it that’s causing the problem. Make sure any models or meshes you get from the toolbox don’t have scripts in them, and that plugins are from the original maker, not a copy that’s been corrupted.

I don’t belive so, Part of the map is bought so I have no clue.

I’d Search the Explorer window for the word ‘script’ in the game. Do it in Studio using the Search bar at the top of the window, and again while play testing in Studio.
If you find any that you didn’t create or find scripts that ‘appear’ only when testing then you’ve got something weird going on.
Possibly the ‘bought’ part of the map was built with a corrupted plugin that the builder didn’t even know was affecting it.

One thing that confused me is that when I joined the game in testing it created a team…

Look at the spawnlocations. Teams can be changed using said spawn locations.
Screenshot 2022-12-01 064820
Switch Neutral to true and AllowTeamChange to false

Yes but It created a non-neutral team, Its fixed now. The main issue is the falling

Have you tried what @tronpunch said?

Not exactly sure how to do that…

We also can’t select anything.

Look under Collision Groups on the models tab

Did that, what do I do after that?

Click on Default and check if it can collide with everything else, like so:
Screenshot 2022-12-01 072530

Is that normal?

Thank you to everyone who helped, the bug is fixed.

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That is not normal. In a game where you haven’t added any collision group there should just be the Default one.
As I said, a plugin has caused the issue, and it’s added that group. You have to be careful when using plugins.