I keep Getting this error even on a empty baseplate

So when i test a game i get this error " Animation failed to load, assetId: %s "

this happens to all of my games and i haven’t been able to find any similar or same issues,
all i want if a clean output : (

I have tried to follow the Path in the error but that has got me no where.

possibly internet connection or some malware

Looks like a plugin to me. Try working your way though your plugins, disabling each one until the error disappears. Keep the malfunctioning plugin disabled or uninstall it

Its either a plugin or something with the core scripts (network error or something)


As the others has said, I would say its a plugin. And by the looks of the other console outputs, maybe a camera plugin? Try temporarily disabling your plugins.
Top of your screen, select Plugins, then Manage Plugins to the left, and turn them off in the Plugin Management menu.
And I know Roblox Studio can spit errors at me with my internet sometimes.

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yeah ok it was one of my plugins thanks : )

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