I keep receiving HTTP 400 (Bad Request) in the output

Hello developers,

So i am currently running into an issue on where i keep running into a HTTP 400 bad request error. I have done everything i could to fix this. Any support would be highly appreciated.

What is the original URL? If this is a Discord webhook, you’ll have to use a proxy as Discord has blocked Roblox from using its service. Also it doesn’t look like your formatting is correct under the assumption this is a webhook.


Hi I have nothing against your webhook, however discord has blocked webhooks for people who do like you, You cannot use a webhook to log every word a person types Imagine your game has many players and all these players write something, do you know how many requests per second / minute there would be? I suggest you to avoid API spam to modify your code if your purpose and to log every word that a person says.

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You have to replace the "URL HERE" on line 1 with your URL.

Hey i just wanted to let you know that the script wasnt intended to log what people are saying in chat. It was intended to log the items that was purchased by players so if anybody was to say that they lost their data, i could check the logs.

You litterally said logs. Discord did not add Webhooks for logging and you shouldn’t use them for that, instead use a datastore or an external database to store the logs