Alright, so I found why your getting random location on basis of data center
So its stated that whoever joins the server first, their location is the server location, but upto what level?
See basically if you live in Antartica, and you play a game, your location won’t be Antartica, it takes the nearby data center located in any nearby country
If there is no data center found it takes longer time to find a server, and therefore after some time you will get the server, but the thing is how are you getting server after some time but not earlier
Look data servers won’t be free all the time, like they rarely be free, when Roblox finds a nearby data center for you, however there is no guarantee, that data center near you is chosen
If no server is found near you, it changes the radius of search to a larger area
Server location is the physical location of the data center where your website is hosted. The data centers can be anywhere in the world. While choosing a web hosting provider, you need to consider the destination of your target audience
Basically roblox searches near you first, later a bit far, until a server is found, so if its more than a bit of time, Roblox is located at US, so roblox might choose the US server
See basically if your at one side of the earth it would be 2 pm, on other side approx 2 am, anyone rarely plays at 2 am, so most of the servers there are free, and most of the servers near your region are occupied, because everyone is awake, so there are less servers available at your side, if you ever noticed this, I tried to play a game which have server location display at night time, I noticed the server location is in my country, even though its 12 am, anyone barely even plays at that time, so it means server location is choosen on basis:
- Network traffic
- Timezones
- Availablity
So when its morning/evening/afternoon or the time where most people play, its also true that when you play at midnight, there is a higher chance, the server location is your country, because all of the servers in your country might be free, so it might be choosen
This is an image representing my geographical location
I live in India, and the circles represent a range, since US,Canada is the opposite side of my country, out of 10, I get USA as the location 8 times, and 2 times as my country, or countries near me