I made 3 Halloween Themed [UPDATE] + 1 map

Hello everyone, we all know that Halloween is approaching and I thought of making 3 themed maps. You can view them at the following links :

Cemetery Halloween - Cemetery 3 Order - Roblox
Farm Halloween - FARM ORDER - Roblox
Haunted House Halloween - Halloween - Roblox

I would like to know what you think about my work and any feedback will be appreciated :pray:t2:

If anyone wants to see more work done by me, I leave below my portfolio
which map did you like the most?


Update :

I made another Halloween themed map


I reviewed all the games and they are super good. I don’t know how you did for the fog I liked it. The only thing is that in the 3rd game of the house I did not find the door there were only windows, but it is well done.


I really like this game! Only, the font on the “town hall” and “Halloween” places were kind of out of place in my opinion.