I made a captcha

What’s the point of using it if it doesn’t work though.

What do you mean by “it doesn’t work”?

It might be limited when it comes to applications, but it is a better choice when applicable. Even Roblox devs themselves say so.

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It hasn’t worked for me recently and anyways there is a replacement to it but I don’t use it.

it works for me! i used it earlier today!

You probably didn’t get the real one.

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this is just a temporary band-aid solution for exploiters, chatbots etc, it’ll take exploiters maximum of 10 minutes after releasing something like this to a heavily trafficked game to create a bypass, what stops exploiters from simply running the code that the captcha runs when finished themselves?

and if that is somehow solved, what stops exploiters from creating a list of the names/ids of the images, and then just creating a script to automatically select them?

I did get the real one by Stelrex. I know which models are fake and which ones are real.

I agree. UICorner is much better. Using roundifier means that the imagelabel it changes it to won’t load if the player times out while trying to download the image to their cache (slow wifi) which is why I avoid using images unless necessary. Also the plug-in can sometimes corrupt frames and make them unusable. UICorner is more stable, cleaner, easier, and better for all devices in my experience.

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Hello as requested here are the screenshots also the hole thing is bugged for mobile users.

Obviously not using the scale feature. There’s great free plugins to make it scale correctly and the owners not using these sadly.

I would also suggest changing the decals to fit instead of stretch like I do.

Do you mind giving me some awesome plugins I might improve some things like the button.

Actually nvm this might not be worth improving because it doesn’t show the gui when you first join.

Why would anyone need a captcha system especially when you do a click function instead of doing it automatically

I should mention that exploiters can disable the GUI easily so it isn’t that useful.

I honestly just don’t have an reason why I should use it for my game I mean roblox already made one and it’s an awesome thing the owner did but its really useless for games.

Unless the game bottled and even then it needs a kick feature

Anyways the plugin I was talking about to automatically do scale is this.


It works fine? what are you talking about? Ui CORNER is better, but sometimes you need to use Roundify. Like in text boxes, to this day, it works really well.

Yes, but for some stuff you HAVE to use roundify on, like text boxes for example.

I just make a frame and then UICorner that, and then add a textbox inside that frame and make it transparent

It seems to be broken.

And the “you got 2 wrong” seems confusing, it should say “select all matching ones” or similar, but I got it right (since it’s asking for the current one)

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Why. That makes so much more complex gosh