I made a GTA 4 inspired loading screen (Feedback please)

Thanks if your interested in more sneak peeks or want to be notified when game release is check the pinned message in the youtube video

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This GTA 4 loading screen looks VERY good and cool! Nice job on recreating it! I like this a lot!

Thanks if your interested and want to be notified when game release is check the pinned message in the youtube video for the discord invite :smiley:

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Now i want to see how you will accomplish traffic AI, police AI, enemy AI all while also keeping it multiplayer (networked) with 30+ players in 1 server

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add breaking bad as a loading screen background

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theres no color scheme and the bgs dont look like part of your game and gta 4 didnt only slide characters and imahes left and right

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this looks very cool. my feet were literally tapping to the music lol.

it literally reminds me of the time i played GTA 4 on the Xbox 360

How did Roblox allow this :skull:

the background images are literally from my game what are you talking about?

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didnt even try to understand what I was saying

the screenshots look like sceneries made in roblox studio through free assets, quickly taken a screenshot off of and then stretched to fit the background

it all seems extremely rushed, either way

the way the characters look does not at all match the backgrounds

nothing appears to work together at all

Yeah that is fair

I will work on the GFX again thanks for the feedback

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if you need help or want further advice from me, go ahead

Either way good luck fam!

Yeah sure you seem like you give really good feedback wana be a tester for my game?

Now that really does depend on my first opinion of your game

of how done it is, what the game it is and if its your first game cause I do talk a lot and therefore it takes a lot of energy

and i have yet to learn how to handle when my feedback gets rejected

But I do believe my feedback to be backed by my own (opinions ofcourse too) experience and to matter quite a lot, and are not rarely huge scale of impact

So yeah, but iā€™d rather not be expected to come frequently

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I made alot of improvements with the GFX and in the game once its released you guys will be able to see the improvement :smiley: