I made a loading screen feedback

Hello!, As the title suggests i’ve made a loading screen and i was wondering if i can get some feedback


Sorry for the late response.

The loading screen isn’t bad at all, but there are some improvements I would make to it.
The main problem however is that:

  • It’s really bland.

The loading screen is just bland. It’s a generic background, with a generic logo and a generic animation. Adding detail into the background, maybe a subtle grid pattern or something, could go a long way. The logo, despite it’s blandness, is fine the way it is. However, square animation beneath the logo just has to go. It’s really overused and it just doesn’t work.
I would replace it with some sort of spinning object which has relation to your game, in my game about old-roblox I used a spinning roblox head. Something funny or unique makes your game feel more real-y’know.

I know I said a lot but it really isn’t that bad. A great start, just needs improvements.


Yo!, so i took a look in and i added a tiny detail that now fades the logo in


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I had made a spinning feature for the v1 but many just wanted it gone

I’ve replaced it with a fading in n out logo

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