I made a low reselution Medieval helmet. What do you think of it?

So I’ve been working on some things and I have been wondering at what point does it look okay yet be preformant and low reselution.

This is 128x128p

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I think it looks pretty great. :slightly_smiling_face:


Thank you. as it is only 128x128p it is very small file size. Which should help with loading time. Do you think it would be better to give it more detail or keep it as it is?

I think adding a bit more detail to it.

Do you think the helmet is to blurred?


Yeah, its a little to blurred.

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Maybe try and add more details. The only thing that is noticeable is the yellow

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it is kinda of too low “reselution”

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Is it just me or do you guys also get some Puppet Combo vibes looking at that helmet?
Pretty dope if you ask me. :ok_hand:

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Nice helmet! Consider making the texture size 256*256, as it’s still fast to load but a bit more detailed. Also it would work for UGC if you ever wanted to use this helmet for it.

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Looks far too blurred. Would look great if it had more detail and a higher resolution.

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I based it off the Classic Great Helm. There usaully isn’t much besides a Metal Helmet.

I do also think its to blurred, I am going to try make another which is higher resolution and see how that looks.