I made a new particle system

Hi devforum!,

About more then a month ago i made a 3d particle system for roblox. But it didnt allow for much particles to run at the same time so i remade it using Parallel Lua.

In this video you see about 1.800 particles being rendered with a frame rate of above 40fps
EDIT: now runs up to 500 particles with 40fps due to event checks. (Planning on optimizing it).

Just wanted to show people what ive made so far. And wondered if any of you had suggestions for features in a particle system.

Cheers, Michel2003g


Looks awesome man! Keep up the good work!

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It’s really cool!

I always wanted a way to create 3d particles on Roblox, but it doesn’t exist a option to that, so I would be a lot happy to see this get done! (If isn’t because from the video, it seems already very good!)

It supports meshes or something like that? Or just some premade things?

And can you put public any game with that working so we could really see it? I would be amazed to see it from my computer.

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Cool! Personally, I would like to see particles with physics so they can bounce off walls and things, but I don’t know if it would be to performance costly… suppose it’s something to think about.

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The first version is actually already out.

It has a plugin and documentation page already thoo !

EDIT: forgot to mension. Yes is uses custom particles so you can apply meshes, parts even models.

You can see the fireworks here. Click play on the ParticleSystem 2.0

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I will add a collision event to the particles so with your own script you could make it bounce the oposite way of the direction the particle is in oposite to the touched object.

Fps isn’t the only valid benchmarking component. What is the ping in actual game (not studio), compared to normal, while rendering this many particles?

there is no ping on the sytem. it runs on the client. if the server would have to handle all this it would be a real problem.