I made a Nuke what should I change/add?

I got bored, thought of war, made a Nuke. Simple process,
I made a Nuke to cure my boredom, what should I change about it?

||Photo’s below||

Click this lol


Maybe a Logo or Something to give it like a personality or something.


nothing to be changed about that its too perfect


Add Nuclear signs and a custom company name.


That… does NOT look like a nuke, looks more like a drill or something, nukes are pointy on top like a rocket. But this… It looks either like a drill or a generator of some sort. Sorry, bro.


I don’t know about you but, I have seen actual nukes and it looks extremely similar to one.


Maybe just a tad of color variation


Lies! This doesn’t look anything like a nuke I’m just being honest.

This Is what an actual nuke looks like ^^^

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Hm, what country is that from, I was looking at a different nuclear bomb.


All nukes aren’t the same tho :smiley:.


Nuclear bombs ratio in different looks, there are a TON of different nukes, and they don’t all look the same. If I am correct thats the type of nuclear bomb used in Korean parades, not what I am going for.

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try adding a stand to “hold” the nuke in place

Have you uhh…
maybe played a bit too much CounterSpy?
In all seriousness only certain nukes (primitive nukes, because the round design is more aerodynamic) are pointy on top.
Also the pipes on the side are from an older design, from say 2003.

You know that’s a missile from North Korea, right?
They’re basically stuck in 1963.


Man dude, I really like it, but like ngl it kinda looks futuristic, if I was going for a nuke, then I would more so got for a rustic design, but I really like the way that you made it, and I could definitely see it being use for a futuristic type game!

Perhaps make a control panel on the side or some extra colour?

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So, what kind of nuke would this be? a gun fission?
if so, it seems unnecessary to have those additional pipes on the sides, I can’t seem to figure out what they are for?

There is a Pakistani flag on it…
I’m pretty sure Korean ones are slightly different.

But anyways, what are those pipes for?

Maybe some more colours as mentioned above.

Otherwise it’s great.


I love it! Looks very dystopian and sci-fi, which is a great look considering the subject material. The only thing I think could be better was that if it disappeared; after detonating and destroying all tangible matter within its scary radius.

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I do not know you either, but thanks!