I made a phone!

I made a phone (its based on an iphone 13) and im working on it some features like texting dont work yet but some of them do and i wanted to know if anyone liked it
btw it uses like the real time and date for the little time things

my goal is to have all of this working soon


This looks good!

But the APPs Size looks kinda weird…


oh yes i need to fix that im working on getting a better image

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That’s pretty cool, reminds me of vehicle simulator


yea im trying to put as many features that the phone has as I can and im just using my phones ui to get all the stuff right but I made this before iOS 15 so I have to update the UI and I just updated the phone to the 13

Aside from the app sizes being weird it actually looks a bit realistic

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Looking good! It looks awesome!

Yea that’s what I was trying to go for:
My phone:

I wonder if you’ll be able to allow calling due to voice chat’s recent release

do i need to verify myserlf for that

also yea if its spacial I can make teleport spots

I have no idea if you need to verify yourself to use it. A few months ago you did need to be verified to develop with it so I’d assume you’d need to still be verified.
Also, hopefully soon we’ll get more access to do more with voice chat so you won’t even need to teleport players around.

yea that’ll make the phone good but ill have to get an id

You can use any government issued identification, such as drivers license, birth certificate, or passport.

oh I can use a birth certificate I didnt know that

Anything that’ll show proof of identification i’d assume would work.

Maybe try to make it u can send messages from roblox to ur actual phone. It’s done with a HTTPS request or something like that. That HTTPS requests setting has to be turned on ur game though. But try consider doing that.

but you can use voice chat if you’re 13+ right bc im 13

idk abt that it sounds cool but I do want the players to be able to interact with each other through their virtual phones

Yes, u also have to be age verified, email verified and phone number verified, but u probably used the wrong threat here.

Yes, 13+ is the minimum I’m pretty sure.