I Made a Rideable Broom

I got bored and decided to make a rideable broom based on Terraria’s broom mount

Here’s a video of me demonstrating it.


This is cool, you should try making a race course out of this or even quidditch!


This could be really good for halloween games. Maybe the player could be a witch? The possibilities are endless!

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I would consider adding some race courses in the future, because this is really good!

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Hi! This looks great! I was wondering, did you use a seat to get the player to be attached to the broom?

This is so amazing! You might even say its . . . EPIC

This is a cool idea and could be used by many developers in many ways! Are you planning on sharing the source code or making the experience uncopylocked later on? :smiley:

It looks like they could have wielded the player to the broom on touch or attached a seat to the broom. :grin: