I made a roblox noob pixel art

Could I have some feedback on it? (Yes i know the smile is creepy) you can use it for whatever you want and even crop out my name. Thanks!

Also i dont know why its looks so faded.
Also made this but forgot watermark lol


eyes look more creepy ngl but its pretty nioce


Hi Colton

image : Hi

I mean the face could use some work (The outer edge possibly), but it’s pretty alrgiht!


Thanks! :slight_smile: i am trying to improve my artstyle so this really helps!

i think you should make it look more like the normal roblox noob head and body :wink: sorta like in that emoji? not the same face but the outline and headshape should be more like that

Like this?

Also by me lol

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yes that is better make the inside more orange and the outline dark orange.

and its better being just the face :3

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whatever art app/program you’re drawing on, see if there is a mirror feature so your art is symmetrical. the body on the second photo and the face on the first aren’t symmetrical so it looks off. if you’re against using that, at least try to make it look more symmetrical.

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The drawings look nice but they could use some improvement.

The first one looks barely thought out. It reminds me of when I used to draw digitally without even knowing what to draw. I just randomly scribbled something and called it a finished drawing. Don’t get me wrong. Doing it is not bad but the drawings won’t look as good as they can. What I’d recommend is drawing a sketch on paper with just a pencil so you have an idea of how you have an idea of how your drawing will look digitally. The sketch doesn’t have to be pixelated.
The eyes and mouth look weird and the forehead is nowhere to be seen. It’s a part of the head that many artists forget to include in their drawings which makes them look unproportioned. The face doesn’t fit the body at all. You can use roblox faces as a reference.

On the second drawing the body looks stiff because of the harsh edges you’ve made while drawing the outline of the body parts. You could do something like this to make them softer:

Also it seems like you’ve rushed the head so it looks off compared to the body. Try drawing it more symmetrical when drawing a front face character like the one in your drawing.