I made a simple sofa

What do you think about this sofa? (Texture isn’t mine) sofa yes


I would suggest rounding out the corners of the sofa a lot more and making it thinner. :sunglasses:


Thanks for the feedback, i’ll do that later

You should either bevel the top edges of the sofa arms, or slant the inward facing edge down and add cushions facing toward the inside of the couch.

Actually i’m not an expert at doing things like this, so thanks for the help

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The sofa it self looks great!but i dont know why,but the pillows look weird,i dont know why tho,but i think thats a 9/10

Maybe because it looks like there’s no any shadow below these pillows

Yes!now that i paid more attention it is so lol

Well, actually I cannot fix it lol

Looks great, but as what @Crazedbrick1 said, you should bevel the edges of everything much more.

Yes,it isnt your fault!the lighting is something weird ngl

i suggest you to sketch the model first then start working
if you aren’t gonna remodel it again then just try using it next time
please inform me if my idea was helpful :))

It kinda looks a bit TOO blocky, if your using blender for the couch, maybe add a subdivision modifier, or just use a less blockier part for the couch

The sofa looks way too blocky and the pillows look out of place considering how blocky the sofa is.

It looks great! I would rate it a 9/10 because I feel like there is something missing. I think you need to do something to make it have more of sofa vibe. I love that its plain though, but it feels a bit blocky and thick. Overall though, it looks really good!

Definitely make it more smooth on the edges!