For the past 2 days I have been working on this stock trading thing, its pretty cool imo, you can have as many stocks as you want (just insert the stock’s Symbol on a table) then it gets the data for you(http service)
Thanks for the recommendation, I did make this because I am underaged to use program like that, I will try to make a simple one with more detail just into this, if possible, sharing the code after the game dies out because why not share
I like it! Is it based on real stocks or just custom made? Also, if you intend on releasing it, kids may not know what some of the stuff are due to the abbreviations.
I actually made this as a eye catcher feature for my upcoming game but the game is soooo far from done so its bascally to see what I can do, if you are gonna use it, use some stock api then get data from http service
yes, its based on real stocks, it uses api and http service to get the data every minute(because of 500 request limit), If I do realease it, im gonna ofc make a tutorial on what everything means