I made a sword fighting game, what do you think?

About us: We’ve started as a small developer group looking to start a game that would get us enough income to hire others to help us with the development of the game!

What we would like to achieve from this post:

1: We’d like to get this game on Its feet so we can advance very far in our development phase
2: Feedback! We want a community to provide feedback on how we can improve the game because we will be considering your feedback/suggestions!

3: I’ve decided to go back to this game because I’d like to make it a successful game one day and show that you need little Robux to do a game! and by little I mean 50 Robux or even less! (Not counting what we had spent on ads that didn’t attract anyone but 5 or 2 players

(If you find any bugs please be sure to send them to me!)

Took me: 7 Months (with some breaks)

Honorable Mentions:
@Steveiyy ( the homie xsteve21)

Discord Server
(I forgot to link the game so here: حرب السيف | Sword Fighting - Roblox)
We’d also like to see your reviews down here or on my discord server!


You should Link the game so we can test it out.


The game link is kind of a key feature dontcha think?

The icon needs work, the sword is uneven

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Hey, the link is invalid could you make a new one please?

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We had a low budget at that time, I’m sorry about that. (The link should be posted after the moderation has approved it!)

حرب السيف | Sword Fighting - Roblox Sorry for the wait, I just saw.
Sword fighting (discord server)

I’m not against other languages, but most of your players will be English speaking. It’s gonna be very, very hard for people to search up or find your game to show it to their friends.

Okay, I do not like what I see

The UIs are on top of each other, do you have autoscale or are editing the scale property?
I can see my character AND these arms, whats the point.
When I move my joystick, it gets caught on the settings UI, which is in a terrible place along with others
Finally, the game is not fun, yes, I was the only player, but swordfighting in general isn’t fun, theres no shop, no prizes, I could make this myself in a few hours

1: when I made the game I wasn’t advanced as now and I just get lazy to edit the game but I’ll start fixing up stuff
2: The arms were just a test and I forgot to force first person
3: I haven’t made the game out to mobile but I’ll think about it
4:I also forgot to put a place for the viewport
5: Quests don’t have prizes yet but you can kill other players for coins
6: there’s a shop.
(Thanks for the feedback though!)

Thanks for the feedback, I’ll consider this heavily!