I made a tower defence game, its not getting any attention though

Hello devs!, so about two week ago me and my friend made a tower defence game. It was pretty good I’d say, but it’s really not getting any attention.

About the game*

It’s a tower defense game, where you have to prevent enemies from reaching your base and making you lose, to defend the enemies you have to place troops/towers(im saying troops/towers because people call them like that).

You get 2 starting troops/towers after joining for the first time(sniper and scout). If you want to get better troops/towers, you have to get coins from playing matches. Each tower has a different price, the better it is, the more it costs.
There’s a shop, updates section, map voting gui etc.
About myself*

Im a guy that loves scripting/making/animating stuff in roblox studio. I’ve been scripting for almost three years, I have little blender experience and i’m pretty good with guis.

This is how the lobby looks like:

This is how the in-game looks like

Our roblox profiles -
https://www.roblox.com/users/146308133/profile (the owner’s profile)
teajusbag - Roblox (my profile, im the co-owner)
Try the game - [🛠️UPDATE🛠️] Average Tower Defense - Roblox
We made 3 updates that made the game better. We also listen to our small community to tell us if the balances are good. Today my friend(the owner) spent 1200 robux on sponsoring the game, not sure if that will do anything tho


You should add some unique features to the game, because there are 2 big games about tower defense already. And you probably won’t be able to compete against them, give the players a unique way to play the game so there is a reason why they will play your game instead of tower battles or tower defense simulator


It’s not a bad game, but it’s pretty mediocre. There are a loooot of games of this level of quality on the platform. The images do nothing to draw your demographic in either.

Also the balance seems a bit off? I went to an easy level and I’m taking damage from the second wave, despite placing down all the guys I could (New players are only given the scout. Not the sniper as you said). But somehow after a few waves it flips on it’s head and I’m somehow winning again? Seems pretty counterintuitive to any tower defense I’ve ever played.

Anyway, the ticking sound is pretty annoying and it plays for sooo long. First the map voting, then the game start when you get in. The talking dog voice is also annoyingly LOUUUD. And the ending music is a trillion times louder, I actually had to take off my headset. Please consider the volume of various sounds and try to balance them out to be more equal.

The UI is pretty huge and a bit messy. It gives me a sense that you guys really just needed a UI worked out, and didn’t put any thought into the user experience or making it look good.

Placing stuff down is pretty annoying because I can hit my own character and make him and my camera spazz out. You should disable player characters from the check.

Fixing this stuff isn’t going to magically make your game appeal to new players though. As @MrOnlyKemal said you have to think about how you can make it unique. Right now it’s just a tower defense, and not a very fleshed out one at that. Theres too many better options for people to pick from before they play yours.

EDIT: I just bought the sniper after playing one round, equipped it, went into another game, and still didn’t have the sniper.


1st after buying the sniper, you have to equip it, and yeah i will make sure to lower the volume of some things and rescale the ui’s. Using sniper and map “Factory” will make you get to wave 20 or win (if the tower placement are good). And thank you for telling me all of these things:D

may someone post a game link so i can try it and maybe give my feed back on it please and thank you!

Here you go! [🛠️UPDATE🛠️] Average Tower Defense - Roblox. I also lowered the sound volume and made guis smaller(in match).

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I liked the graphics and the overall layout of the levels. I also like the store.
There was a lot of waiting, choosing a map, then more waiting. Perhaps find a way to eliminate extra clicks to get into the action quickly?


I did buy and equip the sniper. The data clearly bugged. I could see it on the right next to the scout, so it was definitely equipped, but I didn’t have it once I got into a game.

When I got back out, I didn’t even own it and had to rebuy it and equip it again. It worked after.

Yeah the waiting after map selection should definitely be disabled when playing solo.

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asking for permission to make a video on it on yt. it wont be a short just a regular play through and to try and atleast get more eyes on the game if i could.

sure, you can make a vid if you want:D

Hey, just a side note, the search algorithm is very messed up. You can’t get any games with less than a certain number of visits. I believe Roblox is becoming this “You scratch our back we scratch yours” kind of platform, as the only option that most people have is to literally spend tons of robux on an advertisement that sometimes doesn’t even get the expected number of clicks. I recommend inviting your friends to your game, as that’s what I did, and eventually, the game was finally searchable.

I’m not an experienced developer, but I’m going to give my review because I’ve worked on Trechon projects before… (no one hires me)

I’m going to give a small opinion, You should change the guis with uicorners, Also, that the towers/enemies have 3D clothes, it’s GREAT, I say this because the great games have 3D clothes, not 2D clothes.

An example of this:

I’m going to give a small opinion, You should change the guis with uicorners, Also, that the towers/enemies have 3D clothes, it’s GREAT, I say this because the great games have 3D clothes, not 2D clothes.

ALSO, some devices do not support automatically lowering the volume depending on what you play. THAT’S WHY TOWER BLITZ IS NOT ON XBOX :frowning: :frowning:

Also, do not stole images. WHY ITS FROM CARGAMINGZ?


Try to select an style. for example:

This is a futurist character, but the game is cartoony.

all the towers and a few mobs have 3D clothes and we didn’t steal any images, the picture you sent is one of the thumbnails that one of our contributors made. And the sad part is, people don’t care about the graphics or the quality of the game (sadly), any trend game on roblox gets hundreds or even thousands of players, personally I hate that, but I won’t give up on the game, i’ll keep trying to make it look nicer, make cool 3D clothes for enemies (you made some rlly cool ones) and also make events.

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Of course!. Also, i didnt play. One question, who is cargamingz?

i hate too, the trends its ruining roblox, like: GRIMACE TOILET SIMULATOR
with goofy thumbmails (im mexican, sorry)

In gui, there is some inspiration:

I have no idea who cargamingz is and also we do have Ui corners and i’d say they are pretty decent, also you should check out the game first.

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Ok. Im playing right now.

Hey, very cool :smiley:
i like the game.

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Aww ty! Also the image for the elevator didn’t load, might be because of your internet but it’s fine:D