I made a turret that set player on fire

Hi everyone, i wanna share my new turret that set players on fire.
Here a videos:

here is for npc


where is the fire safety tip 101
JULY WEEK 3 STOP, DROP, AND ROLL | Chatham Emergency Services
i suggest making it so the bullets create fire patches on impact


It looks pretty good! Great job!

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it does, but it small, it deal max 10 damage, this is something like poison in the forest game, it only make enemy weaker, not big

In my opinion, its looking nice.

i wasnt able to see the fire field lol

That looks very good! :slight_smile:

I would make it so the player stays on fire for a few seconds after the shot, and that the fire is more visible and larger.


I’m need to make particle rate and size increased , it’s only problem, but in game it works different

It works as intended, but it really isn’t convincing nor creative.

It’s fire - a flamethrower-like dispersion of fire is more suitable for this. Moreover, fire spreads: make the turret damage multiple players at once.

Here are some ideas I have:

  • Make the turret a flamethrower turret

  • Turn the turret into a mortar that shoots incendiary bombs (which create areas that burn) in an arc

  • Make a grenade launcher turret that shoots incendiary grenades

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Oh, ok. That’s good. I hope it works and goes well! :slight_smile: