I made a very unique roblox username generator in typescript

This is a very unique roblox username generator made in typescript so you dont have to join any games, now you may be asking, what makes this unique? well, what if you wanted a username with 3 numbers at the end, 2 uppercase letters at the beginning, one lowercase letter in the middle? never been easier with this program.

You don’t have to join any roblox games either. Just call it from the terminal.

Any features you would like?

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Can you make it public commitbluie?


oh nice job commit but uhh you can do that in roblox ezily too but still impressive. now i will ask you politely make it open source. OR DIE

i made this because i thought of an feature no roblox username generator had, the patterns.

serious note, maybe i will. i will open a poll soon


Bro i just did the psat is it made to be easir bro its so simple just like how simple it is to make that website public

why do you want it to be opensource so badly then? so simple huh