I made Admin Panel, Feedback

Hey Everyone, I made Admin Panel

I wanted to get feedback what should i change & how to improve it!


  • Kick
  • Teleport
  • Backup Data
  • Server Shutdown

Video: 20210113_123625



Where is the god damn admin panel???

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I just asked for feedback…

The video doesn’t show us the admin panel, just shows a GUI and you recording it.

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You could add ban and pban to the “Security” section. Other good GUI

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wrong link…
sorry i will update it

Edit: new Link: 20210113_123625

The bouncing ruins the UI, and the animations are slow.

I don’t think people can spend 0.6-1.2s just for a page transition when they are moderating the server.

ref: https://uxdesign.cc/the-ultimate-guide-to-proper-use-of-animation-in-ux-10bd98614fa9

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So should i speed up the animation?

btw thanks for the article.

Many of the admin panels features seem time consuming to use, especially in situations where a quick response would matter. Opening panels is long and drawn out, and kicking players requires you type in their name (names like IiIIIiiIIIill would be impossible to enter). Maybe consider implementing a drop down menu for the kick panel?

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Nice idea,

I made something like that:

It looks nice so far. But the bg color should match the button color.

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I really like the different icons you have used although there are a lot of unused space.
My fist improvement is decreasing the size of the Panel and second is speeding up the
tween to 0.3

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