(No real title currently, because Idk what to call it ;-; )
I know it’s a bit empty, but I’m planning to add more buildings and such later.
This game is sort of incomplete, but I hope to actually finish it this time (I already know about one thing that might be a roadblock in the future, however, but I’m sure I’ll get around it.)
This game could become something, but there are a few things I notice.
When jumping, I notice the jump height is quite low, which was probably intended, but I also notice that the gravity is also very low. It takes a comparatively long time to fall back down despite the lower jump height.
The NPCs seem to have no pathfinding ability, and will just walk right through rivers and into walls. It should also be noted that some of the files on the ground of the post office seem to not be anchored, because they just fall apart.
Lastly, performance is also an issue. On my gaming rig, my framerate drops to about 50 FPS when looking in the direction of the houses.
The houses, while mostly copy pasted, (Which we’re all guilty of.) are very cozy. The beaches and waters could use some decor. A little dam would be nice.
They were indeed copied and pasted, but I do plan to make the houses unique to each of the NPCs. And plus, new NPCs that might come and a house for the player
Thank you, by the way. ^v^ Also thanks @takenmake
Added Robin & Bell’s home, Candice’s home, Cherry’s home, Clover’s home (which is on the beach unlike the others, which are in the neighborhood area), and Crow’s home. technically I didn’t JUST add the houses, I changed the houses I added previously to be unique to those characters.
Optimized game a lot.
Started working on gift shop (Not open yet)
Updated and fixed some other stuff
You can see a fuller list of updates in-game via the message board
By the way, should I turn on (free) private servers?
I would disable it after full release, because the game is meant to be singleplayer (apart from the multiplayer version of the game), so it would be pointless when it does become mostly singleplayer.
Should I enable private servers?
Yes, allow private servers.
No, it’s pointless.
Let me know what else I should add or do!
(Sorry if anything sounds weird. I am kind of tired since it’s a bit late right now. I’m going to sleep now, so I won’t be able to reply until tommorow.)