I made custom proximity promt as default

i need your feedback of my script of proximity promt (custom) as default

Script to change custom promt to default
place it on load function

local function onLoad()
	ProximityPromptService.PromptShown:Connect(function(prompt, inputType)
		if prompt.Style == Enum.ProximityPromptStyle.Custom then

		local gui = getScreenGui()

		local cleanupFunction = createPrompt(prompt, inputType, gui)



this detects is it custom or no

	ProximityPromptService.PromptShown:Connect(function(prompt, inputType)
		if prompt.Style == Enum.ProximityPromptStyle.Custom then

as u see if custom it return
soo other things is my set up of promt


local function getScreenGui()
	local screenGui = PlayerGui:FindFirstChild("ProximityPrompts")
	if screenGui == nil then
		screenGui = Instance.new("ScreenGui")
		screenGui.Name = "ProximityPrompts"
		screenGui.ResetOnSpawn = false
		screenGui.Parent = PlayerGui
	return screenGui

as u see we get screen gui
if it detect Promt with name “Promt” (default Promt name) it will be destroyed

WARNING U need change Promt name to Default for example BUT NOT Promt or it will be deleted too.

rate it please here

  • Good Post i understand all!
  • I understand but u can better!
  • I dont understand or i think its bad!
  • I dont understand anything:( its very bad!

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Im new at dev form as writer its my first post so ask me if u dont understand :slight_smile: hope i helped u to change default promt


nice this is really cool! hope you make more stuff like this!

1 Like

I like the gui, but I don’t really understand how to set it up

Oh. My. GOD!!! YES!!! This is exactly what I’ve been looking for, for like 6 months!
I’ve tried making one myself but couldn’t figure it out (Looking at your code it seems I really really overcomplicated it)
This will be a huge help! Thank you so much!!

But yes like @1DiamondBor I am unsure of how to set it up.

Also it seems that this only works for a single prompt? How would I modify this to make it replace all prompts?