I made my first big house in Roblox

So I was bored and I decided to build a house inspired by my friend’s house. His display name on Roblox is Petarox.
The house has been only built with Smooth Plastic material, I used vibrant colors from Simulators.

Just note that the house is empty, I left enough space so people can actually model or “buy” stuff from other people.

Is this worth selling for like 500/600 R$? or any amount you guys can think of I spent like 1 and half hours building it.

So here are the screenshots:


I would give it a 5/10. Very basic, not interesting and I don’t know why I did Smooth Plastic… It maybe be good for futuristic games or something. I don’t know.


Not bad. Then to be fair I’ve never made a house so I wouldn’t know.

Looks good, but it is really empty and has no interior detail. You could sell this, but 500 robux sounds a bit overpriced for this. Maybe add in some interior detail, and exterior detail.

But hey, I don’t blame you, this is your first big house. Also, the interior lighting strips look pretty good.

If you are panning to sell this, I say have the person that wants to buy offer a price and see if that’s good with you.

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Looks good but try to add a chimney and a fire place if your going for one of those house’s but if your going for a short of modern on the just add a electronic fire place

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Ah, that’s okay. I want to sell it. I don’t know the price already. Let him choose.

Hello there @SASAVASA1002.

Well first of all, I think the house looks really good. There isn’t much attention to detail which is expected since you were going for that “cartoonish” simulator type of vibe as you stated earlier. So this house is more adapted to simulators than it is to futuristic games.

One thing i would suggest if you want to increase the value of the house is, you could try adding a garden or maybe even a garage but that’s up to you at the end of the day.

I think R$500/1000 would be just about right if you add the things i mentioned above.

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